General Information
Full Name | Diego Patiño | | |
Location | Arlington, TX, USA |
Languages | English, Spanish (native) |
Academic Interests
- 2020
Ph.D. Computer Engineering
National University of Colombia - Medellín
- The topic of my Ph.D. dissertation was ¨Shape Analysis and Description Based on the Isometric Invariances of Topological Skeletonization¨. My research focused on shape analysis with applications on shape retrieval and shape classification. In my dissertation, I designed an equivariant feature descriptor to classify shapes based on the properties of their Medial Axis.
- I successfully applied the approach developed in my work to the problem of pose-invariant shape classification and retrieval in 2D and 3D. All the methods and algorithms in my Ph.D. research were designed and coded using state-of-the-art technologies including data parallelism and GPU-enabled frameworks.
- 2012
M.Sc. Computer Engineering
National University of Colombia - Medellín
- The topic of my master's thesis was ""Automatic landform classification using texture analysis on satellite images."
- 2010
B.S.E. Computer Engineering
National University of Colombia - Medellín
Work Experience
- 2024 - present
Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Arlington
- 2023 - 2024
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Drexel University
- Lead independent research on machine learning-based 3D acoustic localization of under-water targets. Managed and administered computer servers and other hardware necessary for developing research projects within the iMaple Lab. Mentored and supervised multiple Ph.D., Master’s, and undergraduate students.
- 2020 - 2023
Post-Doctoral Researcher
University of Pennsylvania - GRASP Lab
- My current work includes conducting and leading independent research on machine learning and geometric computer vision, shape reconstruction, video prediction, and physics-informed machine learning. I work under the supervision of Kostas Daniilidis.
- 2018 - 2020
Visiting Scholar
University of Pennsylvania - GRASP Lab
- I worked on deep learning and geometric computer vision research under the supervision of Kostas Daniilidis.
- 2016 - 2018
Software Developer
Gotta Ingenieria
- I designed and developed several python-based hydromorphology simulation plug-ins for ArcGIS.
- 2016
Software Developer
- I developed client/server mobile apps for the iOS platform in Objective C and Swift programming languages.
- 2014 - 2015
Assistant Researcher
University of Wisconsin - Laboratory for Molecular and Computational Genomics
- I conducted research on the development of new computer vision approaches for detection, sequencing, and alignment of single DNA molecules under confinement. I worked under the supervision of Dr. David C. Schwartz.
- 2012 - 2014
Software Engineer
Early Warning System of the City of Medellin (SIATA)
- I developed software tools for weather forecasting and created software to support geospatial data visualization. Additionally, I developed computer vision tools to process images generated from Doppler microwave weather radars.
Teaching Experience
- Fall 2024 - Spring 2025
- Computer Vision.
- Fall 2010 - Fall 2011
- Algorithms (Teaching assistant).
- Spring 2011
- Databases.
- Spring 2013
- Introduction to Programming.
- Spring 2013
- Web Development.
- Fall 2013
- Physics Simulations and Software Engineering for Instrumentation.
- Fall 2016
- Algorithms.
- Fall 2017
- Computer Vision.
- Reviewer for the Elsevier's Pattern Recognition Journal.
- ICPR'22 Reviewer. 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.
- MICCAI'22 Reviewer. 25th International Conference on Medical Image and Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention.
- Reviewer for the Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
- MICCAI'21 Reviewer. 24th International Conference on Medical Image and Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention.
- Reviewer for Revista DYNA. Engineering journal edited by the National University of Colombia.
- WACV'24 Reviewer. IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision.
- IROS'23 Session Co-Chair. The 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.
Honors and Awards
Other Interests
- Photography
- Mountain biking.